Giving and taking vs gifting and receiving
Many people would look at these words and think they are talking about the same thing, but are they?
Let’s explore further:
A gift is something given willingly without expectation of anything in return
To give is to hand over something such as money time a possession or commitment. It often has the energy of sacrifice and expectations attached.
A true gift is never a sacrifice.
Nature and animals gift all the time, and we receive. The sun gifts its light and the rain gifts its water and they ask for nothing in return. This true gifting and receiving. It is a state of openness and a calm heart free of expectation.
From this state we can receive something as simple as a car park in a crowded shopping centre or find money on the footpath, or see the smile of a child that warms our heart. It makes us feel like sharing what we have and gifting things to people such as a smile, or a random act of kindness.
So what is the difference between give and take?
To take has the energy of possession. To take something without permission, to be on the take, to take and hold something. It often has the energy of greed attached.
So the energies are very different.
Gifting and receiving has a flow and non ownership of things. It has a lightness of energy and it makes you feel uplifted. To truly gift and receive you are in a place of non expectation.
To give and take is more like a business deal. The energy is of ‘I gave you this so you owe me.’ And the energy is heavier and more solid and stuck.
Which state would you rather be in and where have you been operating from? Give and take and expectation? Are you wondering why things dont come to you easily?
Which works better for your life?
When have you been minding your own business and not expecting anything and something suddenly has come in as a great surprise? This has been because you were in the energy of receiving. Of being open and in flow.
Gifting and receiving can apply in all areas of your life. Your work, your relationships your business and your sex life. If you are living truly from your heart and being open without judgement or control your life can transform in miraculous ways and things are easy.
So if you are feeling unhappy and stuck Mayb look at where you have been locked into the give and take energies.
Let me know how you go!!