The Manipulation of Romance

Romance is a multi-billion dollar industry – flowers, weddings, chocolates, cards, dinners, grand expensive gestures. It keeps us externally focussed on someone else satisfying the aspects within ourselves that we have not yet developed. We yearn to merge with another which is really the yearning to fully merge and integrate with ourselves. The commercial focus on romance and expectations of what this means keeps us disempowered to focus on ourselves and our own inner happiness and love.

Pure love doesn’t seek to own. Pure love seeks to express to all. Pure love doesn’t have expectations. It just goes where it is drawn to. Pure love doesn’t attach. It doesn’t have lists of attributes, looks and requirements. Pure love doesn’t move in discriminate. It is what it is, and it is for all, including all aspects of the plant and animal kingdom and even the mineral kingdom.

What we seek in another is a desire to fully embrace all our aspects and embody this pure love within our selves. Until we can do this, we will be operating from lack consciousness and at the mercy of the wind, feeling disempowered.

I have spent a lifetime (and probably more), developing myself, growing, becoming self aware, looking for meaning within myself and shedding layers of forgetfulness, illusion and distortion. We are all divine beings and yet we have to remember this and that we are at our core, pure and loving and most definitely worthy of love.

If we embrace all who come into our environment as mission partners to assist us to learn to love ourselves more, liberate ourselves from fear and embody pure contentment and peace within we will seek growth over stagnation. There is always a lesson and once we have learnt each lesson we move on to the next adventure without trying to cling onto the past, a person or situation. That which we crave is not a person, it is our desire to expand and evolve to grow and be free of distortions and illusions.

So let go, go with the flow, ditch the outdated ideas of morality that have been dictated to you and decide for yourself what feels right. You are in charge of the greatest play ever written, your own, and ultimately all situations and people are there because you asked them to be so you could learn. Some of those situations were horrific and the characters who played those roles agreed to do this for you before you came to earth. This may be hard to swallow, but if we are all aspects of source energy/god, then everyone has a god self inside somewhere no matter how hidden by veils of illusion, power and control. You learnt from all these hard lessons and like the grit that forms the pearl, you have been forged form your experiences.

You can step out of other’s control  and your own self limited beliefs and make your own path that feels good to you. No-one else has the right to tell you what to believe, do or be. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. You are a magnificent piece of the puzzle for universal healing and development so never doubt that you are important and necessary. Because you are.

Sending you all much love on your journeys.



soleil poynton

Self empowerment mentor, author, creator, musician and student of life. I bring my decades of skills in facilitation, mentoring, leadership, art based creative facilitation and many other areas to assist you to find your own unique path to inner happiness and joy. Welcome to the adventure! I look forward to journeying alongside you.

The myth of seperation


Apology to the Australian Aboriginals