
Important message from your body

Dear being

Hello I am your body. I’m like a pet you are responsible for looking after. Please feed me healthy food that I like, let me move the way I want to and ask me what I want.

I am the most faithful being in your life. I am always there with you and I love you so please stop imprisoning me in tight clothes and I’ll fitting shoes, feeding me things I don’t like and that make me feel sick, putting drugs in me that interfere with my operating systems, pushing me so much I end up in pain, judging and criticising me. Please stop now. 

You don’t own me.  I have my own consciousness. I am like a pet dog. I run my own ship fine without your interference. I am not your enemy So please don’t try to kill me.

We are meant to work together. Me as a mini earth and you as a mini cosmos to create the embodiment of heaven on earth. 

Please be my friend so we can work together. I plead with you. love me.

We can be so powerful as a team. You ever faithful partner 
