
Important message from your body

Dear being

Hello I am your body. I’m like a pet you are responsible for looking after. Please feed me healthy food that I like, let me move the way I want to and ask me what I want.

I am the most faithful being in your life. I am always there with you and I love you so please stop imprisoning me in tight clothes and I’ll fitting shoes, feeding me things I don’t like and that make me feel sick, putting drugs in me that interfere with my operating systems, pushing me so much I end up in pain, judging and criticising me. Please stop now. 

You don’t own me.  I have my own consciousness. I am like a pet dog. I run my own ship fine without your interference. I am not your enemy So please don’t try to kill me.

We are meant to work together. Me as a mini earth and you as a mini cosmos to create the embodiment of heaven on earth. 

Please be my friend so we can work together. I plead with you. love me.

We can be so powerful as a team. You ever faithful partner 


My body is my lover and partner in life

Practice the 5 love languages with your body-

Affirmations- Tell your body how amazing it is, how beautiful, talented, handsome, extraordinary- it breathes for you, pumps blood a around itself, drives and walks at your bidding, watches sunsets for you it’s truly a miracle of awareness!

Gifts-  Give it gifts of walks in nature, sunsets, fresh whole food, lots of pure water and don’t force it to eat things it doesn’t want

Quality time-  Spend quality time with your body in meditation, self pleasure, nourishing it with creams and scented baths, being kind and generous with the time you allow for it in your life

Acts of service-  Serve your body daily by asking it what it wants to do today and doing that. Take it on holidays, rest and sleep, recharge and celebrate it’s incredible-ness

Physical touch-  Touch your body with love and kindness, move how it wants to move through exercise it would like to do without forcing it to do anything it doesn’t want to, pleasure it and care for it as you would a partner. It is a living breathing consciousness. 

Your body is here with you for life. It is a mini version of Gaia. It is its own ecosystem with minerals chemicals bacteria systems and processes that all work together in harmony. It has its own Geography of hills and valleys, flora and fauna, so when you judge and mistreat your body, you judge and mistreat your earth in the universe of you. Bless your body as your friend and lover and the miracle it is!

Soleil xx