Divine Masculine apology
Men need an apology too, as do the masculine aspects within all of us. Here is what came to me this morning to say towards healing all masculine energy:
I'm sorry you were expected to be everyone's protector
I'm sorry you blame yourself for not being able to protect your family
I'm sorry you were expected to provide for your family no matter what the cost on you
I'm sorry you were expected to negate your feelings and just 'get on with it'
I'm sorry you were expected to be 'successful' whatever that is
I'm sorry you were expected to 'man up' and be fierce and not vulnerable
I'm sorry you have always had to be the one who knew the right way to go when we were all faced with uncertainty and you knew as little as the rest of us
I'm sorry you were always expected to go first
I'm sorry you were expected to always prove yourself
I'm sorry you were always expected to be in control and take charge
I sorry that you blame yourself for so much out of your control
Im sorry for the amount of pressure you have felt
Im sorry everyone told you to be a man but sometimes you didnt know what this was or is
Im sorry you had to be active and relaxing was only allowed under certain criterion
Im sorry if you felt you have been living a lie or trying to be a characterture of some superhero
I invite you to let go of trying control
It's ok you are scared
It's ok you don't know
It's ok you grieve over lost families and opportunities
It's ok that you can let go of all this
It's ok to be authentically you
It's ok if you are not sure who you are yet
It's ok for you to express your 'feminine side'. It can co-exist
It's ok for you to crumble sometimes
It's ok to be whatever body shape you are
It's ok to need affection and comfort and company
It's ok to take small steps and go at your own pace
It's ok to listen to the deep part inside of you
It's ok to relax
It's ok to heal and open to love again
You are magnificent, handsome powerful and vulnerable
You are divine, radiant, good enough and resourceful
You are needed wanted and have unique gifts to offer
You are welcome
You can be heard
You are loveable
Your heart can be cradled and loved
You do not have to do this alone
I honour you and hold a space for you